Shiatsu is a Japanese word for a bodywork therapy based on certain acupuncture principles and has roots in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Shiatsu applies finger and palm pressure to specific points of the body. This pressure moves in a rhythmic sequence from one point to another through pathways called “meridians.” Shiatsu’s goal aims to recover and strengthen the flow of the body’s vital energy (known as “Chi”), so as to relieve tension and pain.
To simulate Shiatsu massage therapy, ShopSalonCity’s Shiatsulogic massage chairs mimic the delicate hands of a therapist, providing a soothing and therapeutic massage. Shiatsulogic technology thoughtfully combines an array of massage settings that give your clients the comfort they need.
With Shiatsulogic pedicure spa chairs, your clients enjoy:
- Rolling
- Kneading
- Pressing
- Tapping
- Knocking
- Combination
All of our Shiatsulogic massage chairs have traditional or built-in remote controls and smart buttons. These features make it easy for pedicure technicians to adjust their clients into an ideal position, but they also let the clients over the massage function type and its intensity. The Shiatsulogic series of massage chairs also come with acetone resistant manicure trays on the armrests. Thus, you can use this chair to offer a 3-in-1 full service to your clients: manicure, pedicure, and body massage. By maximizing the services you can provide to your clients with just one chair, it’s a smart buying decision, money-wise, for smart salon owners and nail professionals.
Other features to look for in a Shiatsulogic massage chair? Cup holders, USB ports, phone holder, purse hooks, and more!